Innovation quality learning: metodologías innovadoras para un aprendizaje activo y participativo

Innovation quality learning: metodologías innovadoras para un aprendizaje activo y participativo

La Transformación Digital del Aprendizaje: Innovación, Calidad y Tecnología en la Educación   En la era digital en la que nos encontramos inmersos, la educación experimenta una transformación continua. Los avances tecnológicos y las mejoras en las comunicaciones han desplegado un amplio abanico de oportunidades para la innovación educativa, brindando la posibilidad de un aprendizaje personalizado y de calidad. En este artículo, examinaremos de qué manera la tecnología educativa, las metodologías innovadoras y la enseñanza personalizada están revolucionando el proceso de adquisición de conocimientos y desarrollo de habilidades por parte de los estudiantes.   La innovación educativa ha cobrado un papel fundamental en la búsqueda de mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprend...
How Worcester Polytechnic Institute Weathered a Spate of Suicides

How Worcester Polytechnic Institute Weathered a Spate of Suicides

“Were you burned out,” I asked.Her face was flat. “I still am,” she said. “Yeah. Yes, and I still am.” Worcester is famous for the snow dumps it receives in the winter. It has something to do with where the city is in relation to the Appalachian Mountains. The clouds bear down when the temperature drops, and then the snow is relentless and the weather is brutal. All winter, it’s brutal, brutal, brutal, and then somehow, slowly, it’s not anymore. That’s kind of how the end of W.P.I.’s crisis arrived. No one I spoke to could quite explain how they knew that the emergency had subsided; the most they could be sure of was that, one moment in the spring of 2022, they felt intuitively that the last death was behind them. Between the summer 2021 and winter 2022, the faculty existed in a state of s...
Israel-Hamas War: Live Updates – The New York Times

Israel-Hamas War: Live Updates – The New York Times

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel doubled down on his opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state this weekend, again rebuffing pressure from President Biden to agree to that path after the war in Gaza is over.“My insistence is what has prevented — over the years — the establishment of a Palestinian state that would have constituted an existential danger to Israel,” Mr. Netanyahu said in a statement in Hebrew on Sunday. “As long as I am prime minister, I will continue to strongly insist on this.”The statement reiterated comments he made on social media the previous day, when he said in Hebrew that he “will not compromise on full Israeli security control of the entire area west of the Jordan River — and that is irreconcilable with a Palestinian state.”Mr. Netanyahu’s comment...
Americans’ Economic Confidence Is Returning. Will Biden Benefit?

Americans’ Economic Confidence Is Returning. Will Biden Benefit?

Low approval ratings and rock-bottom consumer confidence figures have dogged President Biden for months now, a worrying sign for the White House as the country enters a presidential election year. But recent data suggests the tide is beginning to turn.Americans are feeling more confident about the economy than they have in years, by some measures. They increasingly expect inflation to continue its descent, preliminary data indicates, and they think interest rates will soon moderate.Returning optimism, if it persists, could bolster Mr. Biden’s chances as he pushes for re-election — and spell trouble for former President Donald J. Trump, who is the front-runner for the Republican nomination and has been blasting the Democratic incumbent’s economic record.But political scientists, consumer se...
Microsoft Executives’ Emails Hacked by Group Tied to Russian Intelligence

Microsoft Executives’ Emails Hacked by Group Tied to Russian Intelligence

An elite hacking group sponsored by Russian intelligence gained access to the emails of some of Microsoft’s senior executives beginning in late November, the company disclosed in a blog post and regulatory filing on Friday.Microsoft said it had discovered the intrusion a week ago and was still investigating. The hackers appeared to focus on combing through Microsoft’s corporate email accounts to look for information related to the hacking group, which Microsoft’s researchers called Midnight Blizzard.The hackers looked through emails from Microsoft’s senior leadership team as well as employees in cybersecurity, legal and other groups, and took some emails and attachments, the company said. The company, which had worked with cybersecurity firms and governments to investigate previous attacks...
As Jason Kelce retires, teammates tell stories from his and Travis’ college days at Cincinnati

As Jason Kelce retires, teammates tell stories from his and Travis’ college days at Cincinnati

For those who know Jason and Travis Kelce best, there’s a familiar quality when listening to “New Heights,” the duo’s wildly popular podcast that launched in the fall of 2022. “It’s awesome because I can turn it on and it feels like I’m back in college hanging out with them,” said Craig Carey, a longtime friend and former teammate of both. “I’m not surprised at how successful it is because I lived it.”The Kelce brothers grew up together in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, less than two years apart in age. But the seeds of their already legendary NFL careers were planted at the University of Cincinnati, where the two became college teammates and roommates. And where they cemented the unique brotherly bond that would forever impact their shared futures, on the field and off. ...
Los Mejores Diarios Digitales de Panamá

Los Mejores Diarios Digitales de Panamá

En el mundo digital actual, el acceso a información confiable y actualizada es fundamental. Los diarios digitales se han convertido en una fuente primordial de noticias, reportajes y análisis en Panamá. En este artículo, presentaremos una selección de los mejores diarios digitales de Panamá, brindando una reseña corta de cada uno de ellos. ¡Prepárate para mantenerte informado con estas fuentes confiables de noticias en línea! 1. Panamá Crece Panamá Crece es un diario digital que se enfoca en noticias relacionadas con el desarrollo económico, social y cultural de Panamá. Con un enfoque en el crecimiento y progreso del país, este medio ofrece una amplia cobertura de eventos y proyectos que impactan la sociedad panameña. Además, Panamá Crece se destaca por sus análisis profundos y entrevist...
Innovation quality learning: Metodologías innovadoras el camino hacia un aprendizaje más activo y significativo

Innovation quality learning: Metodologías innovadoras el camino hacia un aprendizaje más activo y significativo

La Transformación Digital del Aprendizaje: Innovación, Calidad y Tecnología en la Educación   En la era digital en la que vivimos, la educación se encuentra en constante evolución. Las nuevas tecnologías y los avances en la comunicación han abierto un abanico de posibilidades para la innovación educativa, permitiendo un aprendizaje de calidad y personalizado. En este artículo, exploramos cómo la tecnología educativa, las metodologías innovadoras y la enseñanza personalizada están revolucionando la forma en que los estudiantes adquieren conocimientos y desarrollan habilidades.   La importancia de la innovación educativa en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es innegable. Esta se refiere a la introducción de nuevas ideas, enfoques y tecnologías en el ámbito ...
The Heart Surgery That Isn’t as Safe for Older Women

The Heart Surgery That Isn’t as Safe for Older Women

Last Thanksgiving, Cynthia Mosson had been on her feet all day in her kitchen in Frankfort, Ind., preparing dinner for nine. She was nearly finished — the ham in the oven, the dressing made — when she suddenly felt the need to sit down.“I started hurting in my left shoulder,” said Ms. Mosson, 61. “It got really intense, and it started to go down my left arm.” She grew sweaty and pale and told her family, “I think I’m having a heart attack.”An ambulance sped her to a hospital where doctors confirmed that she had suffered a mild heart attack. They said testing revealed serious blockages in all her coronary arteries and told her, “You’re going to need open-heart surgery,” Ms. Mosson recalled.When such patients head into an operating room, what happens next has a lot to do with their sex, a re...
The Growing Private-Sector Involvement in Canadian Public Health Care Systems

The Growing Private-Sector Involvement in Canadian Public Health Care Systems

This week, the provincial government in Ontario announced that it was expanding the number of private clinics providing medical services.Right now, Ontario has about 900 such clinics, and they mostly offer medical imaging and cataract surgeries. Sylvia Jones, the province’s health minister, said this week that the government was expanding its program to include hip and knee replacements.The province is being careful not to violate the Canada Health Act by requiring people to pay for medically necessary procedures. That would jeopardize the 20 billion Canadian dollars the province will receive this year from the federal government for health care. While the clinics will be privately operated, their procedures will be covered under the provincial health care plan as if they had been performe...